Focus on Quality Control for more than 10 years, FQC is an independent Third party compnay for goods inspection/checking, factory auditing on site in your supplier factory.
We have more than 200 inspectors/Engneers in the most of the city around Mainland of China. We provide supplier audit services, quality checking/inspections service, containers loading audit service, on site testing service , etc. We provide the best servise and price for you, help your bussniss safe and stronger in China.
FQC provide best service to client and competitive quotation, we can accept service first, client can pay monthly, if you have more then 10MD per month, we will provide 1 MD free of charge. More details pls contact us!
Wide Coverage: All the export industrial area in China and some city of Southeast of Asia.
Expertise and professional team: Excellent skill/10+ years’ experiences Inspectors.
High efficiency work: Find the issue on site and fast report within 24hours with our suggestion.
Anti-bribery policy: Monitor the inspection process, 0 tolerance for corruption.
Competitive pricing: Competitive all-inclusive prices without any hidden cost.